I’ve got questions

You say Budokon is a mixed movement art. Which discipline does Emily teach?

You’re right, Budokon integrates many types of movement. Emily is certified in Budokon Yoga and this is the main movement language she teaches. The practice is expressed through the Budokon Yoga Primary Series. Em is also currently enrolled in Budokon Mobility Teacher Training and plans to graduate January 2023.

What is the Budokon Yoga Primary Series?

The Primary Series includes seven sections. From the Budokon Yoga experts themselves:

“This series consists of 7 intelligently assembled sections of slow and controlled movements designed to improve mobility, agility, flexibility and strength. The techniques are learned through repetition and precision, the emphasis being on the transitions from posture to posture, rather than the holding of postures. The purpose of this class is to gain muscular strength, cardiovascular stamina, and joint mobility.”

Through fiery transitions, to elegant and dance-like segments, the practice is designed to unite the warrior and the peacemaker.

Is Budokon Yoga the right movement practice for me?

One of the most powerful aspects of Budokon Yoga is that the practice unites the warrior and the peacemaker. Budokon Yoga is open to movers of all levels, that being said, it’s not easy and it will test your limits.

Here are some aspects of a Budokon Yoga session to keep in mind:

  • Slow your movements down

  • Create precise and deliberate movements

  • Shift your focus from a pose or shape to how you exit and enter a pose (the transition)

  • Notice internal dialogue and limiting beliefs as move through challenging transitions

Many of the poses and transitions in Budokon Yoga might be new to you. There may be terms or poses you’ve never hear of, even if you’ve been practicing yoga for a long time! When entering into the world of Budokon, or any new practice, enter with a beginner’s mind and with curiosity. If you can be open to a new way of thinking and moving, then you will probably dig Budokon Yoga :)

Hmm I’m still not sure this Budokon thing is right for me…

The best way to learn if Budokon Yoga resonates with you is to try it! Keep in mind that there are modifications and intensifications offered throughout the practice, so you will have options :) Take the first step. Reach out to Emily with questions and book your first session.

In case you need a little extra push, here are just a few positive side effects of joining the BDK community:

  • You’ll become part of a badass + very inspiring community. BDK peeps are the best peeps. Always there to champion you, and call you on your bullshit when you’re not being real. It’s hard to find a community as strong (mentally + physically) as the Budokon family.

  • You’ll challenge what you’re capable of and do things you never thought you could do. When you change the way you think, you change the way you move.

  • You’ll transform the way you approach your movement practice (and pretty much everything in your life). The way you do anything is the way you do everything. This will be your new mantra and your guiding light.